Today we are going to be spring cleaning in the bathrooms. When you think of spring cleaning you probably don’t think about the bathrooms, but there is so much to be done in there! My regular bathroom routine includes cleaning the toilets, sinks, countertops, tub/shower, mirrors and floors but there are lots of other things that should be cleaned at least once a year, if not twice.
Here is a checklist to help you remember all the things there are to Spring Clean in the bathroom.

For a printable version, click HERE.
#1 Dusting
You probably dust your bathroom regularly but today we are going to be dusting all those places we don’t normally think to dust, like the ceiling. Throughout any given day there are tons of dust bunnies floating around your bathroom from the tissues, toilet paper, towels, blow drying your hair etc., and all that dust can really add up. So grab a microfiber cloth, or a lambs wool duster, and dust everything from top to bottom. It’s important to start at the top because you don’t want to dust the “bottom” of the bathroom and then have dust from the ceiling falling down on it!
One area I always forget to dust, which is why it’s on my Spring Cleaning checklist, is around the top of the shower. How it gets so grody up there, I have no idea, but it definitely needs to be cleaned!
Here’s how dirty the top of mine was, and I just cleaned it about 6 months ago!
#2 Wipe Down
Once the bathroom has been dusted it’s time to wipe everything down. Fill the sink, or a bucket with warm water and your favorite mild cleaner, dip your microfiber cloth in it and then start wiping down everything in the bathroom. Again, work from top to bottom, starting with the ceiling (if just dusting it wasn’t enough), working down to the walls, and then the baseboards.
Make sure you clean the area around the toilet paper holder, really well. Most toilet papers these days are super soft and have soft fibers/dust that come off of them when you roll out the TP. I know it sounds crazy, but if you wipe the wall around your TP holder you might be shocked at the amount of white “fluff” clinging to your wall! Mine has lots of “fluff” and I just washed this wall about a month ago!
#3 Wash
Now it’s time to do some washing. Wash the windows in the bathroom, the shower curtain, liner, etc. For tips on washing windows click HERE and for tips on washing shower liners click HERE.
This is also a good time to clean and reseal the grout around your tile. If you deep clean and seal your grout every six months then it will be easy to clean the shower in between deep cleanings, this will save you time and money. For a full tutorial of how to clean and reseal grout click HERE.
An area I want to focus on is washing around the toilet. I’m going to be honest and tell you that the area round the toilet makes my skin crawl because of all the over-spray from men standing up and peeing. If you don’t clean around the toilet on a regular basis this is a MUST ADD to your spring cleaning list.
First use a sanitizing wipe to wipe all the walls and baseboard around the toilet area. Then use another sanitizing wipe to scrub the baseboards. Once you are done with the baseboards use another wipe to clean all the caulking all around the base of the toilet. If you find that your bathroom still stinks, even after scrubbing everything down, you can try this trick for “How to get rid of that ‘Boy Bathroom’ Smell“.
#4 Clean out and Organize
I don’t really think about what is in my bathroom cupboard that often because I typically use the same things, on a day to day basis. But once a year it’s important to take everything out of the cupboards and clean them. While everything is out of the cupboards, take time to check your products, to make sure nothing has expired and toss out anything that doesn’t get used anymore.
When putting your products back organize them so the ones you use more frequently are easy to access and the things you don’t use that often are stored toward the back. If you are like me, and have limited cabinet space, I also recommend purchasing stackable baskets, like the green ones I have.
Here’s a look at my before.
And here’s the after. Not a huge difference but I got rid of a bunch of products I haven’t used in a long time, I put back a bunch of stuff that should have been in the medicine boxes, and I tidied up a bit.
Now do the same thing with the drawers. Start by taking everything out, including the shelf liner. I think you’ll be surprised at how much hair and toothpaste residue you find hiding in the drawers {ewww}! If you have products in your drawers make sure to check expiration dates and toss anything that has expired.
When putting items back in the drawers use small organizing containers to categorize them. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for, and if you share a drawer with your spouse, like I do, then it also nicely defines whose space is whose.
Once you are done with all these spring cleaning tasks in your bathroom, make sure to clean all the regular things too: toilet, sinks, counter, mirrors, tub/shower, floors, etc. Once you have completed all the spring cleaning tasks and the regular tasks, your bathroom will sparkle from floor to ceiling!
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My kitchen could use it the most, but I can’t start my spring cleaning until my vacation at the end of the month!
I love spring cleaning! I just haven’t started yet 🙂 After I run a half marathon on May 5th I think that will be my next focus!
We just moved into a brand new home which I cleaned top to bottom but our garage needs some spring cleaning as we moved in during winter. Just waiting for some warmer weather 🙂
I would love to spring clean my kitchen. It desperately needs a deep clean!
Unfortunately I need to do a little spring cleaning everywhere, LOL! I haven’t done a deep clean in all the nooks and crannies for a while…
oh my! My whole house could use a deep Spring cleaning!! I love all the tips that have been shared!!
My foyer… The chandelier is too high and I can’t get to all the guck! Yucky!
I’m in need of a Spring Cleaning in several places — bathroom, kitchen and living room. Thanks for the tips!
My kitchen needs a deep clean!
I could use some spring cleaning help in the kitchen area! eek
My bathroom definitely needs a spring cleaning….yuck!
I need to Spring clean everywhere! I love cleaning my house I just have to get a kick start on it! LOL
Looks great Anna! Thanks for the printable!
Jenn xo
My office and laundry room need the most attention this spring
My homes exterior! I really need to do the widows outside too!
I really need to spring clean my entire home – bathrooms in particular.
Thanks for all the great cleaning tips!
Thanks for the chance to win. Great tips!
Opps, everything needs attention, but mostly my craft room is a disaster!
Sadly, our ENTIRE HOUSE desparately needs spring cleaning! With a 3-year-old, I don’t have the time to deep clean enough!
Well, since I’m moving into a new (to us) home in a few weeks, I’ll be cleaning EVERYTHING – lol! I can use all the help I can get!!
Great post Anna!
My whole house.. especially windows!
I definitely need to clean out under the bathroom and kitchen sinks!
Oh how my bathrooms need a good scrubbin and so organization..and my closets….
Starting when the weather makes the turn from frigid and I can open the windows for the first time and air the house (deep breath/slow sigh) Spring Fever hits me hard. I just finished takling our bedroom closet. Going to start deep cleaning kitchen, office/dining room. While cleaning I am hoping to find some smart solutions for our office space. This small space is used as both a dining room and office space by the whole family.
Thanks for all the tips and inspiration you provide in your blog and pinterest!
the windows… yuck!
Would love to win!
The biggest area that needs spring cleaning is the master bedroom. We have a small house and a lot of things get dumped in there when we can’t find a place for them. And the kids leave toys in our room. It needs help!
Heather make sure you check out Jenn’s great post, it’s all about cleaning the master bedroom!:)
I’ve started on my spring cleaning but it’s still cold here and I can’t get in the mood unless the windows are open!
A little spring cleaning????? I haven’t even started so I need to do a lot of spring cleaning in every room. Will be starting in the livingroom and then to the kitchen!
I started my spring cleaning a week or so ago and already did my bathroom but I’m going to do it again with this list! I didn’t get above my medicine cabinet and I could most definitely throw some of my old beauty products away! 🙂
Unfortunately my whole house needs it! I’m in the process now of doing my living room, which I think needs it most!
We really need to do some spring cleaning in the garage! Living in Minnesota, our cars and boots always bring loads of salt and sand, leaving the garage a gritty mess. It’s time to get it ready for spring!
We are in the middle of a huge kitchen remodel, so my whole house is in need of a good spring cleaning! I swear there is construction dust on every surface of my house…and the normal mess that 5 kids create just piles on top of it all. Just a couple more weeks until I can do my spring cleaning…I can’t wait to get to it! 🙂 Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!
I need to get started! I’m running behind! Love the tip about the top of the shower.
My basement needs an overhaul! I just finished cleaning the upstairs. Time to move on.
Only one part that needs cleaning???? Sigh…. how about my craft room? Desperate for organization there!
Anna….your before picture even looks good! It’s just so hard to find the time with working full time! Ugh! So how do I enter this drawing?
Just leave a comment about what you want to spring clean and then follow the entries in the Rafflecopter form above. Good luck!
Omigosh…I’m doing So Good on my spring cleaning this year. I’m amazing even myself…lol!
The one place that I haven’t re-organized/cleaned yet is MY Closet!! It has so much potential e.i. it’s large, has shelving and lots of hanging rods, etc etc~~~ and everytime I venture into it I just hang my head in Shame!! ha ha……….help me!
I love Spring cleaning. I really need to do under the beds. I am pretty sure it has been 5 years since I did the master bedroom.
Headed to do my bath right now!!!!! 🙂
My whole house needs a deep spring cleaning! Love these tips!!
I really need to clean (and clean out) my home office! There is so much clutter that it doesn’t get cleaned very well!
My entire house needs to be spring cleaned!!!! I have so much to do.
I’m going to be moving in a few weeks so I’m waiting until then for a move-out clean.
Since I just had our master bath remodeled down to the studs, my whole house is in dire need of spring cleaning. It is on my list! Going to hire my daughter to help me!
Spring cleaning needs to happen in that scary place to the side of my bed… that place that’s *always* cluttered, so I tend to ignore it- almost to the point of not even noticing it’s there!
i need to do spring cleaning in EVERY room!
My windows!
Probably the dusting of window blinds/washing walls, etc. The high places that don’t get so often
My walk-in closet in the master bedroom needs a good cleaning. Dust on some clothes.
Whew! Where in the world do I begin? With 8 kids ages 16 and under, I wish I could get a whiff of what deep cleaning or Spring cleaning is like.
All I can say is, you’re amazing.
My living room definitely needs some spring cleaning. There’s lots of dust underneath the furniture since we have hard floors. The bathroom could probably use some work too. I definitely need to clean out my cabinets. Thanks for the giveaway!
I really need to do some carpet cleaning … with five kids,the carpets get dirty so fast!
My whole house needs spring cleaning!
my bedroom really needs to be cleaned
Great ideas – I need to get on this ASAP!
My garage is a mess. It needs to be organized.
I just found your blog! Thanks for the great tips!
Love the spring weather here in Houston. I have been working on my kitchen and my son’s bedroom.
Our garage is in dire need of a good spring cleaning. We just moved in and most everything is still spick and span from that but the garage is a hot mess.
I just started Spring Cleaning today. Turned our Great (aka Junk) room into a kids playroom. Tomorrow I tackle the office. This is just the beginning, still have many more rooms to get to.
I need to spring clean in my craft room!! for sure!
My kitchen needs the most help cleaning.
I need to spring clean my entire house because we are moving in two and a half months. Reduce, reduce, reduce.
The worst part of my house is definitely the garage….it’s overwhelming to even think about!
My spring cleaning might be put off until summer, when I finally graduate. That being said, my ENTIRE place needs a deep clean! But I’m most excited about cleaning out the office and getting rid of the college feel 😉
I need to work on spring cleaning everything, but I’d say our bedroom is the first area that needs to be cleaned!
My entire apartment, but definitely the master bath.
I recently cleaned & organized the counters in my area of the bathroom. I don’t even want to start on the boys’ or under the sink, aaaaahhhh!
My closets could definitely use a good spring clean.
I need to clean my blinds! I think a whole new ecosystem is forming on them! OUCH!
Yay! I’m THAT person who loves to organize and seasonally clean! Woot! Hope I win.
My laundry room really needs the most work. But the entire house needs some spring cleaning.
My entire house, I started with the garage, but then my mom fell and broke her hip, so I have been trying to do spring cleaning in between hospital visits and work (school) …….I am going back and using your posts when I tackle a spot …..Thanks for the chance!
I really need to deep clean the entire house, but in particularly my spare rooms that aren’t used too much.
I have 2 major areas to clean and organize – office and pantry/storage area. They are both such big projects and linked together that i can’t seem to get motivated!
I have started my spring cleaning but my kitchen cupboards could use a bit of TLC. Need to wipe down the insides and out and re-organize everything. I also need to deep clean carpets and our wood floors that are in desperate need of some TLC!
Right now my house looks like its been hit by a tornado, so its hard to say which parts needs the most attention. I guess I would say I am in desperate need to Spring clean and reorganize my bathroom! Would love any of these prizes
My windows could use a big dose of spring cleaning!!! yuck!
MY GARAGE!! It is in desperate need of cleaning!
Hmmm! My whole house! Let’s say I am a little behind. But I think the area that needs it the most is my Laundry/Mud Room. This area always seems to get the least attention.
I need to spring clean my master bath!!
So happy to find this site and tomorrow night we are cleaning the fridge.
It’s always those little details that are easy to forget! Good advice
I need to spring clean my entire house! Our bathroom renovation has left dust on everything.
I need to clean my craft closet…yikes!
Wow! Love the tips. Thank you and yes you are so right about the top of the shower! Ick! 😉
My closet for sure!!! 🙂
Love the checklist! Thanks!
My closets could use the most right now.
Fantastic! I need all the help I can get to get me started and keep me motivated 🙂
Would love to win any of them!!
Really need to purge the bathroom which includes the closet!
oh i need to clean all the ceiling fans!!!!!
I need to start spring cleaning in my whole house 🙂
Oh no! I missed the fab giveaway Anna! Sorry last week was a haze, too busy! But I love this checklist, pinning for sure!
Hi Anna,
Could you provide products you use for dusting and wiping down the walls?
I desperately need products and tools(how about wool dusters?) advices.
Honestly my favorite product to use are the Norwex Enviro cloths. They are great for dusting but they also get up any residue that’s left on the walls. Even better, they are antibacterial so you know you’re getting the best clean! They are resuable so when you’re done cleaning you can toss it in the wash and use it over and over again! I use them all over my house. 🙂 You can get them here:,706,203.aspx
P.S. Wool dusters are great for things like light fixtures and fans. I have one but I mostly use it for high up things that I can’t reach. Make sure to vacuum it in between uses to get all the dust off. 🙂
Great information! Will keep reading and follow some of your detail ideas…