It’s time to purge! A good purge is always healthy for your home. This month I’m purging all the closets in my house because it is way overdue. Today I’m going to share with you my best tips for keeping your closets clean and organized all year long.
Every home has lots of different types of closets – coat closets, bedroom closets, linen closets, etc. but there are some general rules that apply to every type of closet.
#1 Keep them clean
You might not think about cleaning your closets but trust me, dust and all kinds of things hide in the dark corners of our closets. I recommend every 6 months, removing items from the shelves and wiping them down with an EnviroCloth. Vacuum the floors and make sure to get all the edges and corners too! Keeping shelves clean will keep your closet smelling fresh and keep your clothes from smelling musty and dirty.
#2 Storage
My favorite storage solution for every space are baskets. We have baskets in every closet in our house! Using baskets, boxes or bins to store items helps keep similar items together, it keeps the shelves more organized and they look nice too! It’s a win-win. In our entryway closet I have baskets that hold cleaning items, like my mop attachments and replacement vacuum bags. In our master bedroom I have boxes that store everything from hats to swim suits. In my daughter’s closet I use boxes to store seasonal clothes, keepsake items, and donation items for clothes she’s outgrown.
It doesn’t matter what kind of closet you need to organize, baskets and bins are the solution you’ve been looking for!
#3 Purging
Purging is the number one thing that gets overlooked but it’s probably the most important thing when it comes to keeping your closets cleaned and organized! I guarantee if you commit to purging your closet every 6 months, you’ll never have a problem with clutter and keeping it organized.
Commit to twice a year (I recommend when the seasons change from hot to cold and vice versa) going through your closets and getting rid of anything you haven’t used in the last 6 months. With our bedroom closets I do this every time I swap our winter and summer clothes out, and every time I’m amazed at how much stuff I haven’t worn. Styles change, our taste changes, we buy new clothes, there’s nothing wrong with that, but hording the old things you haven’t worn, or used, will create a problem. Don’t feel guilty about getting rid of stuff, give it to a friend or donate it to a local homeless shelter, this will help them out and keep your space clean!
Our entryway closet is where I keep all our mops, vacuums, etc. and it felt SO good when I purged it this week because it was way overdue! As mops have broken, or I’ve bought new products, I’ve held onto those old ones thinking someday I’d use them again, but you know what, I haven’t and now I have a cluttered closet! It happens to all of us, which is why it’s so important to put those purging dates on the calendar and commit to them.
#4 Think outside the box
I’m very aware that not all closets are created equal. In fact most are designed very poorly with a single shelf, a single clothing rod and some doors – not a whole lot of usable space and a lot of wasted space. This is why it’s so important to think outside the box and not look at the limitations of your space, but at the potential. Use every inch of the space by adding additional shelves, using stackable boxes, even utilize the back of the door!
If you need ideas check out THIS POST I wrote last year, there are lots of great tips and ideas to help you think outside the box with your closet space.
Happy New Year!
My closets are all like you said, one shelf over the top of a closet rod. Small baskets and bins have come to be my go to in order to maintain closet organization. In one of my closets I removed the hanging rod and added all shelving for a great storage solution. Thanks for sharing the great tips!
I love the idea of removing the rod and adding shelving. 🙂 Thanks Laura!
Thanks for inspiring me, again. May I ask where your purchased the ‘rack’ , holding your mops and dust pan? And I love that huge dust pan! Where can I purchase one of them also? Thank you, Kathie
Hi Laura! Here is a link to the exact broom holder I have in my closet – Also I think the huge dust pan was one of my husband’s random purchases from the hardware store but here’s a similar one on Amazon – 🙂