Today I begin a 10 day Vinegar series. I am super excited about this series because I think every one of you will learn new vinegar tips for how you can use vinegar in, and around, your home. I definitley learned a thing or two while I was writing the series! So without further ado let’s talk laundry!
#1 Cleaning the Washing Machine
Many of you have probably already read my post about how to clean the washing machine but if you haven’t you should check it out! Using vinegar is a great way to get rid of soap scum and to disinfect your washing machine.
#2 Vinegar as a Fabric Softener
Did you know that instead of purchasing over-priced fabric softeners you can use white vinegar? It works great, it’s all natural and not only does it work great to soften your fabrics but it also helps prevent lint from sticking to them. “Add 1/2 pint of white distilled vinegar to your rinse cycle.”
#3 Anti-bacterial rinse
Worried about germs? No problem! “Add 1/2 pint of white vinegar to [the] rinse cycle” to kill any bacteria that might be lingering in your laundry.
#4 Prevent Color Fading
We all hate it when our dark clothes get lighter and lighter with each wash but by adding a little vinegar to each load you won’t have to worry about it anymore! To brighten the color of your clothes, and prevent them from fading, forget purchasing expensive anti-fade products, simply “add 1/2 pint white vinegar to your wash cycle to brighten up the colors in each load”!!!
#5 Prevent Color Bleeding
Even worse then color fading is color bleeding! I hate it when I turn a white towel pink or my white socks gray! From now on “if you purchase an item of clothing or fabric that you think will run, soak [it] in a few cups of undiluted white vinegar for 10-15 minutes” before washing it for the first time. “You can also add 1 cup of white vinegar to the last rinse, and that will set the color” of your clothes or fabrics. No more pink underwear for the hubby!!!
That’s all for today, but click HERE to read day 2 of Using Vinegar in the Laundry Room.
This series is based on a book I received from my mom at Christmas. All items in quotations are referenced from Vinegar: 1001 Practical Household Uses.
Have you ever found a good way to get rid of gasoline smell on clothes?
Hmmm, I’ve never had that problem before but did you try the vinegar? If vinegar doesn’t work then my other suggestion would be to get a bucket and fill it with hot water and 1/2 cup baking soda. Let the baking soda dissolve then add the garment. Let it soak over night and then wash it in the washing machine with a cup of vinegar. Between the 2 of them they should be able to kick the gas smell.
Anna 🙂
I know shaving cream will get rid of gasoline on your hands…. Maybe try this on your clothes!
I read an article that also suggested using vinegar to wash your towels. 1 c. vinegar in a hot water wash; then follow with a second wash with 1/2 c. baking soda. This is supposed to reduce the soap build up in your towels and keep their absorbency.
Awesome, thanks for the tip!
does this apply to He washers??
Yeah, just add the vinegar to where you’d normally put the fabric softener.
Unfortunately, we just had this problem. My Dad got gasoline on his new t-shirt when pumping gas. In a basin I use to soak and treat clothes I used dawn first, scrubbed and tossed the water. With fresh water I dissolved 1/2 cup of Borax and let it sit for an hour. I rinsed it again then did a vinegar rinse and it worked! I hope this help.
Love the vinegar tips. 🙂 Thank you for sharing them with us.
Great ideas…I will have to try them. Thanks for sharing
What a joy to see younger people learning ways to get the job done well w/o spending a fortune on cleaning products. You should continue on with other homemade, safe,cheap and wonderful laundy and other household care products.
Such great tips as always!
Great tips!
Would love for you to link it and your other fab laundry posts up at my new Empty Your Archive link party which is a chance to dust off great posts from your archive – there is a focus this week on laundry – would really love to see you there, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x
I have just discovered the Vinegar phenom and stumbled upon your very helpful tips via Pinterest (wonderful invention!!) Any tips for starting out with vinegar in the laundry? Currently I just dump half and half, detergent and vinegar, into my tray in my HE top loader machine. I don’t know if I want smelly oils added into any “homemade” detergent. Is it necessary to add essential oils? Am I wasting distilled white vinegar by just sticking in the same compartment as my detergent? It’s a top loader with a middle section that moves into the clothes after the cycle begins and is a low water machine. I see some tips just using vinegar and not using detergent at all! *shocked* My mother would scold me I think…But I would rather buy my vinegar bottles at BJ’s by the boatload than 15.99 for a less than happy amount of detergent. We have doxies and I want the chemicals to be safe, I just think there are almost too many tips out there I don’t know where to begin! HELP! ~Domestically Challenged~
Well I don’t have an expert answer for you because I just dump by vinegar in the wash too. I buy mine at Costco because it’s only a few dollars for 2 HUGE things of it! If I had to guess I’d say I put about 1/2 cup, or a little more in the washing machine. I don’t use it for every load, just the colors (to keep them from bleeding) and when I wash my husbands athletic gear (it takes the stink out). Hope this is helpful! 🙂
will you do a printable on using vinegar in the laundry like the printable you did for baking soda. So helpful and I framed it and hung it in my laundry room too!!!
I will have to do one for Vinegar, thanks for the idea! 🙂
Can you add white vinegar to laundry detergent, to keep color from fading
Yep! I add vinegar to my laundry all the time. I have a couple posts about it on my blog.
The only thing I have found to remove urine smell from clothes other than bleach which will ruin your colors. I add it to the wash but before that I soak them in 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water if they have been exposed overnight.
My cushions (on dining chairs) are bleeding. The fabric is cotton. The outermost part is red while the middle part is white or beige. I’ve tried washing one and it profusely bled. Would you have suggestions on how I can proceed to wash with nicer results?
I would soak them in vinegar before washing them next time, and make sure you wash them in cold water. You can’t reverse the bleeding though, sorry. 🙁
I have a front loader wash machine. I put vinegar in every load. When I put water on a clean washcloth or dish towel it smells terrible. What can I do?
Ooo, that’s gross. I would try using a little less vinegar. I use a max of 1 cup for a full load.