In fact, here is a recent email from one of my readers, “I was wondering if there’s a way to prevent dusting? What I mean is I HATE – truly hate – dusting and if there were a way to prevent dust from collecting I would do it. Is there something that “repels” dust? Or have you heard of some magic dust force field? That would rock.”
My response back to her was that every piece of furniture should be sold with someone to come dust it once a week! But since that’s not realistic, I’m going to give you a great tip for how to make dusting easier!
Use a microfiber cloth and wipe a thin layer of wax on surfaces of dressers, shelves, fan blades, etc. Once the wax dries buff it off {just like you would on a car}. Applying the wax won’t make it so you never have to dust but it will make it harder for the dust to stick to the flat surfaces.
The wax layer will also make dusting easier because the surfaces will be slick, so the dust will wipe right off! If you are especially lazy you could probably just blow the dust off, but then you are only moving it to another location in your house… but you could. {wink}
When I’m in a hurry {which is most of the time!} I prefer to dust with my vacuum. Purchasing vacuum attachments, similar to this one, will make dusting even easier! I bought mine for about $19 from
So your task for today is to wipe down all the flat surfaces in your home, wax them, and then sit back and watch the dust just bounce right off. It’s kind of like a “magic dust force field”.
You can find the full list of the 14 Day Challenge HERE!
What about getting wax somehow onto the the dust cloth? I just paid $2 each for some cheesecloth coated with wax. It does what you suggest, but the wax is on the cloth. You can dust anything with it, including pottery and pictures, etc., that don’t have wax on them. The cloth might need to be thin, not microfiber. Plain cotton or a gauzy cloth would be best and easiest to handle.
That’s a great idea! I have a post about removing spilled wax, so I guess you could “spill” some wax and then use whatever cloth you wanted the wax on, to get it off. Here’s the link for the post, if you’re interested.